Application form Spring camps

Spring Easter gathering ISA Prague 2 weeks Easter fees 14.04.2025- 26.04.2025

    1 week - 14.04-19.04.20252 week - 21.04-26.04.2025
    Check-in for training camp every Sunday.
    Classes begin on Monday.


    *If you have not received confirmation or information from us, check the "Spam" folder in your inbox.

    User agreement ISA (International Skating Academy Prague)

    Executive Director of ISA Prague, Shebalina Oksana ,

    Legal address: 25101, Prague, st. Sadova 383. Registration number of the Chamber of Commerce of Prague 01940881.

    Tel: +420774275937

    This “User Agreement” document is an ISA “International Skating Academy” proposal (hereinafter referred to as the “Administration”) to conclude an agreement under the terms of the Agreement set forth below.

    1. General terms of user agreement.

    The following terms and definitions are used in this document and in the consequent or related relations of the Parties:

    1. a) Platform – software and hardware integrated with the Administration site;
    2. b) User – a capable physical person who joined this Agreement in his own interest or acting on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity represented by him;
    3. c) Administration / Website – Internet sites hosted on the eu domain and under the domains.
    4. d) Service – a set of services and a license provided to the User using the Platform.
    5. e) Agreement – this agreement with all additions and changes.
    6. e) Voucher – a document that confirms the right to use the services of the camp and to enter it at a certain time on certain conditions, issued for a specific child
    7. g) Package of services – a document issued for a group of clients, confirming the right to use the services of the training camp, as a recreation center for a certain period of time and for a certain number of clients.

    Your use of the Service in any manner, in any form, within its declared and functional capabilities, including:

    – viewing materials posted on the Site;

    -the ability to book and pay for trips / routes to the international sports and training camp ISA Prague;

    placement or display on the site of any materials, including but not limited to such as: texts, hypertext links, images, audio and video files, information and / or other information; creates an agreement under the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Art. 437 and 438 of the Civil Code of the Czech Republic.

    By using any of the above possibilities for using the Service, you confirm that:

    1. a) Acquainted with the terms of this Agreement in full before using the Service.
    2. b) Accept all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions and limitations on your part and agree to abide by them or stop using the Service. If you do not agree with the terms of this Agreement or do not have the right to conclude an agreement based on them, you should immediately stop any use of the Service.

    is a web service that provides visitors with the opportunity to view textual and video materials published for an unlimited circle of people, the ability to book and pay for a voucher / itinerary to the International Skating Academy training camp.

    All currently existing services, as well as any development and / or addition of new ones, are the subject of this Agreement.

    Consent to the processing of personal data

    By joining the terms of this Agreement, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Czech Republic “On Personal Data Protection”, the Executive Director of the ISA (International Skating Academy) issues the Legal address: 25101,. Prague, Sadova 383, for the processing of their personal data. You confirm that you are familiar with the Policy of the organization of personal data processing located at: 25101, Prague, ul. Sadova 383.

    Tel: +420774275937

    Conditions for the provision and processing of personal data:

    The amount of data collected when visiting the Site:

    – cookies,

    – IP address used to visit the Site.

    The amount of additionally provided personal data when booking and paying for a ticket / itinerary on the Site:

    – Last name, first name of the child, client

    – E-mail address, telephone number,

    – Data on the date of birth of the child,

    – Contact phone numbers of parents (legal representatives),

    – Address accommodation,

    – These birth certificates,

    Purpose of processing personal data:

    – User identification when sending them a question, ordering a callback or a text application for receiving an offer through the Service,

    – Booking and payment of vouchers / vouchers to the training camp “International Skating Academy”,

    – Distribution of proposals, greetings, polls, collecting opinions, audience research

    Period of storage of personal data:

    We store your data only as long as it is necessary to achieve the above objectives, or as required by law. After that, your personal data will be deleted, or until written review by the subject of personal data, sent to the following address: 383 st.Sadova 25101 Prague.

    Voucher sales procedure

    ISA year-round figure skating children’s international sports and training camp

    “International Skating Academy”, as well as a stationary camp for leisure and recreation organized on its basis.


    Children’s sports and figure skating training camp in Prague.

    In order to simplify the booking procedure and meet the demand for services, a new order of booking, payment and return of the package is introduced, which presupposes that the client is equal in choice, a single approach for individuals and legal entities, the accuracy of the buyer’s data and the child’s data stated at the time of booking.

    The procedure for purchasing vouchers to the international camp “International Skating Academy” applies to children aged 6 to 18 years old inclusive (for participation of figure skaters in figure skating fees), and for accompanying persons (for vouchers accompanying to the camp of leisure and recreation).

    In the design and sale of vouchers to the camp may be refused without giving reasons if the data on the child or his accompanying person are included in the Stop List.

    Section 1 “COST OF THE TRIP”

    1.1. Predicted cost of the permit:

    – the predicted cost of the permit is determined from the growth rate of the three main cost items of the camp: the cost of electricity consumed, the cost of ice rinks, a set of food products, and staff remuneration.

    The predicted cost of the voucher does not have a cost estimate and implies an assessment of the market and the cost of such services and vouchers;

    – the predicted cost of the voucher is not subject to revision (recalculation, return) in case of a change in the price of the voucher approved at the beginning of the calendar year of the company;

    – The predicted cost of the permit is established by October 1 of the current year by the ISA organization.

    1.2. Cost of voucher set:

    – the established cost of the voucher is determined from the actual state of growth of tariffs, a set of food products, accommodation, price increases for the use of training spaces and the actual size of the increase in the cost of labor of staff;

    – the established cost of the voucher has a calculation, approved by the order of the organization, it may differ both in the smaller and in a larger direction from the predicted situation;

    – the established cost of the voucher is approved by February 1 of the current year by the organization and training and teaching staff of the ISA

    Section 2. “BOOKING”

    2.1. Booking vouchers for legal entities:

    – for making a reservation by legal entities a period of October 1 is set;

    – the reservation is considered to be confirmed if there is an invoice from the ISA “International Skating Academy” in response to the official letter of application of the legal entity within 10 calendar days upon receipt of applications;

    – The reservation is valid for a period of 30 calendar days for the procedures of payment of the invoice. Payment of the invoice is considered the fact of crediting funds to the ISA “International Skating Academy” account.

    – the period of booking trips to the camp for legal entities is set to March 30 of the current year. After March 30, booking for legal entities and individuals is not made;

    – registration of permits for applications from legal entities occurs in the presence of a list of children. Vouchers are issued only with a copy of the birth certificate. Amendments (reissuing a voucher to another person) is possible only if there is an official letter from a legal entity (payer) signed by its head;

    – applications are accepted in the form of an official email to info @ skatingacademy, eu or in the on-line format of the application on the official website of the organization;

    – the quota for legal entities is set at 15 vouchers for each training week and is not established at the stationary camp, leisure and recreation camp.

    2.2. Reservations for individuals:

    – for booking by individuals, there are three terms:

    • At the projected cost of the voucher (60 vouchers for each week):

    from January 1 – the first 2 weeks (from July 1 to July 14),

    from February 1 – the second 2 weeks (from July 15 to July 27),

    from March 1– the last 2 weeks (from July 29 to August 10),

    • At the established cost of the voucher (60 vouchers for each week):

    – Vouchers are issued only according to the issued reservation through the online store of the official site of the camp

    – Booking is valid for a period of 15 calendar days at the projected cost of the permit (from October 1); 10 calendar days at a set price of the voucher (from February 1);

    – the data entered in the booking must be identical to the birth certificate of the child, on whom the voucher is issued. If the data of the child indicated in the reservation differs from the data in the birth certificate of the child, the buyer refuses to issue a voucher;

    – registration of the permit is possible only if you have a birth certificate of a child;

    – The design of a voucher may be refused if there is a child in the STOP sheet, if the child’s age is different for issuing different types of vouchers, if the booking data and birth data are different. In this case, the payer makes a full refund of the amount paid on the day of treatment;

    – payment for a voucher is considered the fact of receipt of funds to the ISA “International Skating Academy” current account in the amount of the voucher cost;

    Section 3. “PAYMENT PAYMENT”.

    3.1. Forms of payment vouchers are:

    – payment at the camp office by bank cards of the systems VIZA, MASTER CARD, MIR, MAESTRO, ELECTRON

    – payment in cash at the camp office,

    – payment through any banks, according to the invoices issued in the camp reservation system,

    -payment through an online service of instant payments on the camp site:

    3.2. Payment for the voucher can be made in any other available way by any natural or legal person. Registration of the voucher is made only on the face of the child and accompanying persons indicated in the booking

    3.3. Registration of the voucher can be done remotely by using the client’s e-mail and e-voucher or by obtaining the original voucher (strict reporting form) at the camp office by the payer.

    3.4. When paying for an order through a bank or an online system, the payer, before the end of the booking period, sends to the email address:

    a copy of the birth certificate of the child’s passport. Specify the full name. legal representative and contact phone.

    3.5. Refunds for unused voucher shall be refunded in accordance with the Provision on full or partial compensation for voucher cost, unused voucher days:

    – 70% of the total cost in case of no-show for the child and accompanying persons for any reason a month before the start of the shift.

    – 100% of the cost of the day for unused days of the voucher if the doctor officially confirms the child’s illness,

    – 600 CZK per day cost of lunches and dinners for unused days of the voucher for any other reasons not related to the deterioration of the child’s health.

    3.6. If the plans change a month before the child arrives at the camp, the voucher is returned at the place of purchase, and the refund is made in the amount of 70% of the total cost of the voucher to the payer in the same way as the voucher was paid.


    4.1. The camp provides full information and organizational support to parents in the preparation of documents to receive compensation for their own purchased a ticket to the camp;

    4.2. Certificates issued by the municipalities of Prague are accepted at the time of payment of the voucher. Certificates are not accepted after purchasing a voucher.

    4.3. The camp holds a competition among the willing children to go to the training camp from the 1st to the 15th of January annually. The grant fund is 10 vouchers with a 5% discount on the established cost of the voucher. Details from October 1, 2019 on the ISA website.

    4.4. The camp gives one free ticket for each shift to a charity fund for children who are striving to achieve success in life, despite the serious health problems.


    5.1. Transfer on the day of arrival of children in the camp and their departure is not available.

    5.2. Detachments are formed camp independently. The criterion for the formation of units – the age of children.

    5.3. Arrival of children and accompanying persons to the camp is carried out independently from 9.00 to 21.00 on the day of arrival.

    5.4. Departure of children and parents from the hotel camp is carried out independently until 12:00.

    5.5. Lists of groups of figure skaters are not formed in advance and are not published on the official website until the day of arrival of children for the shift.

    5.6. Shuttle service to children at the camp is available from the hotel to the rink and back in case of early workouts or bad weather conditions.

    5.7. On weekends, the transfer of the leisure and recreation camp ISA organizes a departure from the general gathering place for an excursion to the city of Prague.


    I report that my son (daughter) does not use narcotic potent psychotropic medical substances and toxic substances, does not have alcohol and tobacco dependence, is not inclined (not inclined) to stealing someone else’s property, disturbing public order, is not a member of an informal anti-social association, inclined (not inclined) to illegal antisocial manifestations.

    I guarantee that my son (daughter) and my son (daughter) comply with the rules of the child’s stay at the camp, the adequate behavior of my son (daughter), their compliance with the day’s regime of the camp, the safety and fire safety regulations, hygiene standards, and the legal requirements of the administration, teachers and services of the administrative department.

    The camp has the right to terminate the child’s stay in the children’s camp ahead of time, namely to deduct and return the child to the place of residence: for gross violation of the rules of stay, for committing acts and actions that insult and degrade the honor and dignity of another person, harmful to the health of the child and others, smoking tobacco and other substances (mixtures), use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, alcoholic and alcohol-containing drinks, including beer.

    If a child is suspected of using alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, inadequate behavior of the child, the Camp Administration reserves the right to send the child to consult a narcologist and a psychiatrist, to be tested for the presence or absence of these substances in the body. The time and place of these events, as well as the results of testing, the conclusions of specialists, parents must be notified by the administration within 24 hours.

    In the event of early expulsion of the child from the camp for the above reasons, compensation for the remaining time of stay will not be paid, and the parents or organization that sent the child must pay the additional costs incurred by the Camp for returning the child to his or her place of residence.

    I agree with the child’s participation in educational, sports, tourism and other activities held by the camp as part of the shift program. You can get acquainted with the program of the shift on the official website of the Camp or directly in the Camp on the day of arrival of the child.

    I understand and realize that some of the activities carried out in the Camp, such as swimming, river walks, classes in initial tourism training (hiking, orientation to the terrain, rope course, initial altitude training, classes at the climbing gym), shooting airguns, cycling and rollerblading, horseback riding, visiting the aqua center, taking part in various field trips, carry an increased risk of injury. Despite this, if the child has a desire to participate, I agree to the child’s participation in these activities and I guarantee no complaints about the Camp if the child is injured, provided the organizers observe all the necessary rules for protecting life and health during the child’s activities .

    In the event of a threat to the life and health of the child, I agree to hospitalization, emergency surgical treatment, blood transfusion and other emergency medical measures necessary to preserve the life and health of the child. In the case of the adoption of these measures, the administration of the Camp notifies the parents (legal representatives) about the activities carried out within 24 hours. At the same time, the delivery of the child to the medical institution and return to the Camp is carried out by an authorized medical officer of the Camp, or by a medical organization where the child is sent.

    I agree with the list of documents submitted to the camp for the use and processing of my child’s personal data.

    Regulations on the procedure for full or partial refund of the cost of the voucher
    This Regulation governs the procedure and conditions for the return of funds to the “Buyer” vouchers to the international sports and training camp ISA by the non-profit partnership “International Skating Academy”.
    Regulations on the procedure for the full or partial refund of the cost of a voucher to the ISA international figure skating camp.
    1. General Provisions.
    This Regulation governs the procedure and conditions for the return of funds to the “Buyer” of the ISA voucher by the non-profit partnership “International Skating Academy”.
    2. Terms of return.
    In case a child leaves the international camp “international Skating Academy” before the deadline indicated in the voucher or not using it, the “Buyer” has the right to partial compensation for the cost of the voucher:
    2.1. “Buyer” – an individual – in case of a child’s departure due to illness “Seller” returns to “Buyer” (an individual) the cost of a voucher for days starting from the day following the child’s departure. For reimbursement of the cost of the voucher, the “Buyer” provides a document confirming the fact of the illness and a statement for recalculation and return, where the reason and date of departure are indicated; – in case of a child’s departure within three days from the date of arrival, the “Seller” returns to the “Buyer” (an individual) the cost of the voucher for unused days starting from the day following the child’s departure. “Buyer” is obliged to submit an application for recalculation and refund – if the child does not check in on time without a valid reason (illness), the “Seller” does not refund the cost of the permit in full.
    By agreement of the parties, it is possible to postpone the vouchers to other changes in the current calendar year; – in other cases, the “Seller” makes a return of the cost of food for unused days, starting from the day following the departure of the child (the average cost of food for one day is set by the order of the head for each shift)
    2.2. “Buyer” – a legal entity If the “Buyer” is a legal entity, “Parents” apply to the organization that provided the voucher. Return of the unused part of the voucher is made to the “Buyer” (legal entity). The amount of the return is determined on the basis of these Regulations and the contract between ISA “International Skating Academy” and “Buyer” (legal entity).
    3.2. Return dates.
    The “Buyer” has the right to apply for a refund within 30 days from the day the child leaves the camp or up to 30 days before the start of the fees.